Weavers Studio Resource Centre

Weavers Studio Resource Centre

The Weavers Studio Resource Centre (WSRC) at Kolkata is a pioneering private initiative dedicated to the study and dissemination of knowledge and information on the rich textile traditions of India and the world. It includes historic figurative Baluchars, Jamdanis, Muslins from Bengal, Banarasi’s andKashmiri shawls from the North, textiles from Gujarat, Punjab, Assam, Nagaland and more. The collection includes textiles of various countries in Africa as well as Central Asia, East Asia and South-east Asia.

Photographed, accessioned, catalogued and conserved as per international norms the availability of a referenced and catalogued archive facilitates further study in the textile heritage of the region and allows for research and possible revival of lost and threatened textile techniques. The cataloguing process ensures that students, teachers, scholars, researchers and the interested larger public can have easy access to this invaluable resource .

Textile Study Centre – Archives and Library

The Weavers Studio Resource Centre in addition houses theTextile Study Centre – Archives and Library. The library has over 3,000 books on textiles, art and design that are available for study by researchers, scholars and visitors. High resolution images of the textiles are available as well.  To make it more accessible to the public, WSRC will in the future be undertaking a digitization process to make the details and photographs of the textiles available worldwide.


Access 70,000+ practitioners in 2500+ crafts across India.


10,000+ listings on arts, crafts, design, heritage, culture etc.


Rich and often unfamiliar vocabulary of crafts and textiles.

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