Over 10,000 bibliographic listings on the arts, traditional crafts, design heritage, culture- intangible and tangible, its practitioners, history and associated studies.
East Lansing: Asian Studies Center, Michigan State University, 1976
East Lansing: Asian Studies Centre, Michigan State University, pp 73-84, 1976
vol. 12, no. 1-2 pp 91-104, Punjab University research bulletin: arts, 1981
Vol. VI, Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art, 1938, VI:169-80. (Reprinted: Dutt,G. Folk Arts and Crafts of Bengal, 1990), 1938
Calcutta: Indian Publications, 1972
New York: Thames and Hudson Inc., 1992
Nayak, P Nayak, A.K. Sarangi, M.K. Nayak, B.K.
A Study of Revival of Languishing Craft - Craft Document, DC(H), Government of India, 1995