Response to the Talk on Kalaraksha Vidhyalaya


Response to the Talk on Kalaraksha Vidhyalaya

Kalia, Anjali

Design and Craft are considered to be two separate aspects of artistic expression when viewed from the current perspective. But traditionally in India, design was a function of craft and vice versa. They were interdependent and worked in unison to enhance each other. The current debate of designers' vs. crafts persons' seems entirely unnecessary - a result of too much mind being applied to make an activity conducted for 'swantsukhai' - personal happiness, into a hardcore income generating profession. This is maybe the need of the hour, but to my mind it kills the spontaneity of expression and essence of craft - a humble offering made by deft fingers for a simple cause - to create more beauty, to see more beauty and to inspire more beauty in all who view it. It is the outcome of constant meditation and awareness of the craftsperson nurtured in an environment conducive for manifesting ancient traditions. Whether it is saleable or not is not the objective. A true craftsperson is also the designer, with his or her unique individuality. The point that needs to be remembered is that crafts persons when used as mere labour - mazdoors, do not fit into this category. It is true that only a few out of a group have the desire for excellence and are so smitten by their craft to be willing to risk all to express what they want. It is akin to madness that is all encompassing and inspires the individual to offer his/her being solely to the act of creation. The remaining merely use it as a tool to earn a living. Their lives are bereft of the thrill of creati...


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Needs to be written.


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