Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee


Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee

Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee

65 Mohakhali C.A.
65 Mohakhali C.A.
Dhaka 1212
Tel: +880-2-884186 or 5 / +880-2-884180
Fax: +880-2-883542 / +880-2-883614
, Dhaka, Bangladesh 1212

M: +880-2-884186 or 5 / +880-2-884180

F: +880-2-883542 / +880-2-883614

W: org-website

BRAC works with people whose lives are dominated by extreme poverty, illiteracy, disease and other handicaps. With multifaceted development interventions, BRAC strives to bring about positive change in the quality of the life of the poor people of Bangladesh.

BRAC firmly believes and is actively involved in promoting human rights, dignity and gender equity through poor people’s social, economic, political and human rights, dignity and gender equity. Though the emphasis of BRAC’s work is at the individual level, sustaining the work depends on an environment that permits the poor to break out of the cycle of poverty and hopelessness. To this end, BRAC endeavours to bring about change at the level of national and global policy on poverty reduction and social progress. BRAC is committed to making its programmes socially, financially and environmentally sustainable, using new methods and improved technologies.