SoCHE Foundation
The product design involves creating a woody biomass fired improved pottery kiln with lower GHG/particulate emissions (no black smoke for at least 75% of the operating time), higher fuel efficiency and significantly reduced breakage of the clay products. Principles of thermal engineering and combustion control have been incorporated in the design. The SoCHE efficient potter’s kiln has many following main design elements. Combustion control – Improvement in combustion by creating optimum ‘air to fuel’ ratio through a combination of a bigger vents for adding fuel and creating a chimney. Improved insulation – Enhanced insulation throughout the kiln using rat-trap design made of insulation bricks, better insulation material to prevent heat loss from the wall and door of
the kiln. Optimizing flue gas temperature – Avoiding excessive heat loss due to the high temperature flue gas being released in the updraught traditional kiln by providing a dome to redirect the flue gas back to the kiln. Multiple chambers for firing fuel to ensure an even distribution of heat firing the clay products.
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