Natungram toys

Natungram toys

Natungram toys

The most popular of the Natungram wooden toy items were the boldly painted figurines with raised hands representing Gaur, the beloved Vaishnava saint and social reformer, Shri Cahaitanya, and his principal disciple Nitai or Nityananda. Another popular painted toy form similarly fashioned but without the raised hands was a women figure known as “mummy doll” reminding one of the mummy coffins of ancient Egypt. These forms were crafted by cutting with the heavy all-purpose knife, dao. Around the nineteen-fifties only small toys were made and sold to the Paikar wholesalers for about Rs.6 per hundred. They were sold to the customers at places pilgrimage for two annas, an eighth part of a rupee per piece. The carving is always done by men and the painting often by women and children.