The International Patent Classification (IPC) is “a hierarchical system in which the whole
area of technology is divided into a range of sections, classes, sub classes and groups. The Classification is a language independent tool indispensable for the retrieval of patent documents in the search for ‘prior art’.”
The IPC was established by the Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent Classification (1971). Article 2(1)(a) provides that “[t]he Classification comprises: (i) the text which was established pursuant to the provisions of the European Convention on the International Classification of Patents for Invention of December 19, 1954 (hereinafter designated as the “European Convention”), and which came into force and was published by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe on September 1, 1968; (ii) the amendments which have entered into force pursuant to Article 2(2) of the European Convention prior to the entry into force of this Agreement; (iii) the amendments made thereafter in accordance with Article 5 which enter into force pursuant to the provisions of Article 6.”