Nicobari mat, also known as chatrai or hileuoi, is a traditional floor covering used by the indigenous Nicobari people of the Nicobar Islands in India. It is made from the leaves of the Pandanus plant, which is also known as the screw pine.
The process of making Nicobari mat is quite intricate and time-consuming. First, the leaves of the pandanus plant are carefully selected, cleaned, and dried in the sun. Then, the thorny edges of the leaves are trimmed off, and the leaves are split into thin strips using a knife or a special tool called a “tambuli”.
The strips are then soaked in water for several hours to make them pliable. Once they are flexible enough, the strips are woven together using a technique called twining. This involves twisting two strips together and then weaving a third strip between them. The weaving process continues until the mat is the desired size and thickness.
Nicobari Mat is known for its strength and durability, and it is often used as a mat for sleeping or sitting on, as well as for decorative purposes. The mats are available in a variety of sizes and colors, and some are decorated with intricate designs and patterns.
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