The Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing

Museums, Collections

The Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing

Skidmore, Suki

A visit to the Amber Fort is a 'must see' destination when visiting Jaipur, but visitors are increasingly adding a little gem of a museum onto their list as well. In the fort's shadow and a mere 10 minute walk through the cobbled streets of Amber, the historic capital of Rajasthan, lies the Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing (AMHP). Located in a magnificently restored 16th haveli, the museum displays a selection of block printed textiles alongside images, tools and related objects -- all chosen to provide an in-depth look into the complexity of the craft. As the sole museum dedicated to block printing, AMHP strives to educate both scholar and general public alike; but more importantly, the artisans themselves are encouraged to visit and view their craft in a unique and inspirational way.   The mansion that houses the collection, the Chanwar Palkiwon ki Haveli, is itself a testament to Indian craftsmanship. Anokhi founder, John Singh, purchased the ruined mansion in the late 1970s and eventually began a 3 year restoration project in 1989 with architects, Nimish Patel & Paula Zaveri. Their goal was to demonstrate that traditional methods were still viable and cost effective in the modern world. By using indigeno...


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Ramakrishnan, Shilpa