The Hands-on Approach in Handcrafts Design

Design, Designers, Education/Learning

The Hands-on Approach in Handcrafts Design

McComb, Jessie F.

With rising university tuition, educational tax cuts and a slowing economy making it hard to find employment, the focus on the future of education has never been higher in America. Educators and politicians are looking to new forms of technology to broaden curriculums in every subject from science to history. And now this topic has transcended national boundaries and has begun to become an important focus for educators everywhere.

But what does this all mean for the craft world? As design becomes an ever increasing importance to the success of India craft in local, regional and global markets, the education of those designers must also be seen as a key element in the unfolding future of crafts in the world over. In March of 2005 the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad held a conference that addressed this very topic. The conference, titled Design Education: Modernity and Tradition, was attended by delegates from 27 countries with over 70 papers presented. At the conclusion of the conference the attendees drafted the Intent Statement for Design Education - Ahmedabad 2005 which outlines ideas and ideals for the future of design education. Considering that last December the President of India set forth an initiative to outline a National Design Policy, this statement of intent comes at a formidable time. With more focus on collaboration in education that is usable immediately, the statement that NID released as an outcome of the conference could not have been more ...


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Needs to be written.


An Invisible Craft

Mehra, Priya Ravish