The Rajya Charukala Parishad, set up in 1987, is a state government institution known to hold a very valuable collection of the works of modern Bengali artists, especially some of the finest works of Jamini Roy. There is a temporary exhibition hall which doubles up for storage. The collection is mainly in store and is seldom displayed. A Jamini Roy exhibition was held during his 125 birth anniversary in April 2013 at the adjacent Gaganendra Shilpa Pradarshashala.
The institution is governed by a chairman, vice-chairman and 22 other committee members, all of who are artists. There are also sub-committees for exhibitons, publications, art fair and seminars.
On the anvil is the appointment of a deputy keeper and curator
About the collection: The collection is about 1200 prints – mainly Jamini Roy (about 250) and other Bengali painters, including Haren Das and Chittaprosad Bhattacharya. These are kept in store but not arranged scientifically. Some documentation is available and the prints have temporarily been moved to a space suitable for storage.